shipping policy

The execution and maintenance of the contractual relations that GLS maintains with its users and clients.
The execution, management, administration, expansion and improvement of the Services that are requested and/or used by users and clients.
Carrying out internal marketing studies in order to improve our products and services.
The services that are carried out by ENVIOS SYS (SHIPPING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) or through the GLS website, where it is the client and/or user who enters personal data in relation to their shipments,
In order to guarantee security and confidentiality in transactions, prior identification and authentication of the user in the system is necessary, through the request for access codes.
In those cases in which the user requests information about services or shipments or wishes to process claims or incidents, by sending resident forms on the page
Web of GLS or provided by GLS, it will be necessary in any case to collect the essential data to be able to inform you about your request.
GLS will keep the information about its clients to guarantee the greatest efficiency of the shipments it transports and once all relationship with users and/or clients has ended to comply with the obligations
current laws.
GLS undertakes not to disseminate the content of the information, where appropriate, provided by the user and/or the client to persons or entities outside the company, in accordance with the requirements of
security included in this contract. Excepted from this obligation is information that, by its very nature, is of a public nature or is found incorporated into records of the same
condition or is required by legally competent authority.
The client and/or user unequivocally consents that the personal data that they provide us throughout the entire website or in the development of the activity for which they have contracted GLS services, be
incorporated into the files that contain personal data, for which the contracted company will be responsible, as well as the computerized treatment or not of the same so that they can
be used for a personalized commercial purpose or not, financial, operational and statistical as well as own activities authorizing GLS to extract, store data and study of
internal marketing in order to improve our attention in the development of the requested services and inform you of our current and future services through the different means established in
current privacy and confidentiality policy.
GLS undertakes to treat with the utmost confidentiality any personal data provided to it as a result of the service contract, in accordance with the measures established in the
current regulations on data protection, as well as to adopt in the future as many security measures as may be required by laws and regulations aimed at preserving secrecy, confidentiality and
integrity in the automated processing of personal data.
GLS will not sell or rent the information of its clients, nor will it provide information about them to third parties that are not related to the transaction carried out, unless you have consented to said
operation in accordance with the provisions of this policy, as required by current legislation or as necessary for the provision of the service by GLS
GLS will use the information collected to fulfill transport contracts and service agreements, as well as to guarantee the efficiency, security and speed of the shipments it transports.
Personal data is obtained directly through forms through which you provide us with your data and consent to their processing. The purpose of the collection and its
automated processing are:
The sending of general, technical, advertising and promotional information about our own products and services through the different means of which authorization is requested as
email, mobile phone, regular mail, etc.
GLS undertakes to inform its personnel, collaborators and subcontractors of the obligations established in this contract on confidentiality, as well as the obligations related to the
automated processing of personal data. GLS will make as many warnings and sign as many documents as necessary with its staff and collaborators, in order to ensure the
fulfillment of such obligations.
Likewise, the purpose of the collection and automated processing also includes the sending of opinion forms about the GLS services or the website, which the user is not obliged to
All those users whose data are subject to treatment may freely exercise the rights of opposition, access and information, rectification, cancellation of their data in the terms
specified in Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, in accordance with the legally established procedure. These rights may be exercised by the Users or, where appropriate,
by its Legal Representative directing communication in writing to
Users who provide their personal data give their express consent so that they can be communicated for use to the National GLS Network of correspondents, its subsidiaries,
subcontracted natural or legal persons to carry out activities of their corporate purpose. Users who provide personal data
staff are informed that said communication occurs at the same time they provide the data to VECTIO MUNDI 20-08 SL

Those countries that are not included in the shipping zones can consult us through email